Looking through my wash bag to review what needs replacing for when we go away, I'm surprised at the little bits of stuff I've gathered; two lip balms half-used, ditto shaving cream, ditto shower gel .Three different sorts of tooth floss. This washbag must be the personal hygiene equivalent of that black hole somewhere in the universe where odd socks go to die.
A mid year resolution; to gather all these bits together and start to use them. Otherwise I can see that they will moulder on and probably still be there in ten years' time, probably completely unusable.
It came as a gentle epiphany that there are mouldering corners of my life and its giftings which could be put to use in the service of God. We are usually aware of our more obvious gifts, the ones in daily use. And maybe we play to our strengths, and forget about the others which lie hidden, not called on regularly. What might these be? Is it time to bring them to the light, decide on their use, in the expectation of a more rounded service to Christ?
Could flotsam become treen?- the found stuff on the seashore which becomes useful once more?