Saturday, 22 June 2019

The art gallery

Maybe this week's blog has continuity with last week; the thread is this;

We visited the Turner and Ruskin exhibition at York Art Gallery earlier this week, and it set all sorts of hares running in my head. And the bass notes to it all were the need for human expression of creativity, and how a life can only have some sense of fullness to it if the creative instincts are allowed  that expression.

For JMW Turner, this seemed to be at every moment of the day, judging by the number of sketches and paintings he made- over 19,000 in the Tate's catalogue. I'm amazed at the journeys he took- is there any place in the more picturesque parts of Britain he didn't paint or sketch?
For others of us, the opportunities may be more limited in time and scope; for me, making a salad for lunch is just as creative as, say, crafting a poem (see last week's blog). But fortunately, creativity comes in myriad clothes, and it's perhaps not always obvious to us just how creative we are.

In all this we reflect something of our creator God; the words and works of Jesus reflect a creativity with words which still unleash their potency today, and his works of healing are mirrored in countless acts, corporate and individual, done in his name today for the amelioration of human suffering. All of which in their turn may allow space for creativity to emerge.

Maybe you can feel an audit of your creativity coming on. I hope so.Just where do you blossom, show forth your unique contribution to the world? Think about it.... and give thanks.

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