Saturday, 5 September 2020

Think of it as a gift

 I'm nervous about the service I shall lead this morning; it's the first time I've been in church since mid-March, and much has changed. No hymns, socially-distanced spacing (something the C of E has been practising for decades- whoops!), communion in one kind only, and the rest...... I hope I shall remember all that I have to do, all that I have to announce, all that I would normally do and now can't. At least until things return to the status ante quo- if they ever do. 

So; nervous, nostalgic for how things used to be, hopeful that people will come, glad that we can be together in church again, antennae out to monitor how it compares to what went before. It will be familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

I remember a friend telling me to view a visit to a Sunday service in a denomination I had never been to before  like this; think of the cat bringing you a mouse as he comes in after a night's hunting. My reaction would be 'ugh!', and worse if the mouse were still alive. But the gift is a gift of love. So try to view it as such, whatever your feelings. 

Today's analysis after I return home will not be- I hope- within the emotional spectrum of that story above. We shall do our best this morning in church, however limited the circumstances, to worship God in the best way we can, knowing it is our gift to him. After all, we echo St Paul's words' thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!'  

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