Sunday, 21 November 2021

what happens next?

Prof. Brian Cox's stunning new series 'Universe' - stunning because of the CGI stuff and the impossible numbers (know what a trillion years looks like?)- leaves me, and by extension, all thinking members of the faith- with a number of questions. But there are always more questions than answers, and perhaps the questions are more important..... 

To horse; he asserts, inter alia, that the universe will 'end' in 22 trillion years time, when the last star has burned up.(if I heard it right). I have no reason to disbelieve him. But it's a long time to wait for heaven- to put it at its simplest. Also, is that the right conclusion to draw, question to ask? 

I don't usually concern myself with the afterlife. It's enough to contend with whatever time I have here, making it holy and useful. But today being the feast of Christ the King, when at the end of the Christian year we celebrate the lordship of Christ over all creation, the cosmic Christ, questions about the end of time, the end of history, one's future beyond death, naturally arise. 

I will praise God this morning for the lordship of Christ over all. And continue to ask questions to which there may be few answers in this life. It's the reasonable, faithful response.     


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