The weather is a constant topic of conversation here. And a topic to moan about; too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry......the list goes on. And on. It's a function of the changeability of British weather- four seasons in a day!
There's an internal weather which we talk about less often, but is nonetheless real. The storms which boil up in us; the times we are becalmed, the sunny nature we remark on in someone we know, the cold personality, the dry humour.
And no doubt we go through all these, and more at one time or another, oftentimes without understanding where this 'weather system' has come from. Why did I do that? Where did that come from? Meteorology is an inexact science, but probably far more exact that our self-understanding when it comes to our moods, our fluctuations, the way a storm can brew up inside us and overtake a sunny period.
The hymn writer writes 'O still small voice of calm'. It's as if part of the work of the Spirit is to give us settled internal weather. Not necessarily sunny, but calm. Allowing headway to be made, without the distractions and byways, diversions and accidents of stormy times. Headway would be good......
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