Saturday, 2 April 2022

trials, frustrations

 A cup of tea spilt on the table dribbled into the laptop. The world ended- for about an hour anyway, as I thought of all that stuff stored within, now gone to some computer black hole, never to return. But the sun still shines on the unrighteous (let the reader understand)  and here we are, up and running. 

This week we were in the Yorkshire dales for two nights. Such a different landscape from the flat plain of York. The dry stone walls and the limestone pavements, the crags, the cliffs and gorges, the outcrops of rock- surely there is enough stone here for every person on earth to build a house from the stones which rise to the surface after each winter? Does there need to be so much rock in such a small area that all the world can be housed from what lies on the surface?

Beyond the stones- which as you can see, amazed me in their outrageous quantity, my eyes were drawn to the cliffs and outcrops in the steep hillsides. Rock is a constant feature of the biblical narrative; 'lead me to rock that is higher than I' a favourite verse from the psalms. 

That higher rock was a constant companion during our brief stay. Given the landscape, he could not be anything else, anywhere else. Nor does he disappear down a black hole, never to return.  

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