Saturday 7 May 2022

the transfer of data

 As a self-described technodinosaur,  I would choose to set up the new ipad at 1030 pm, little realising that the process would take me long into the hours when I should be dreaming sweet dreams. I call it innocence, but most technosavvy folk would call it dumb, or worse. 

Fearing that the process had stalled/I had done something wrong/maybe it would be better to do this manually rather than by some magical osmosis ('Just switch on Bluetooth, it says here'), I googled The Question- 'How long does it take to transfer data from one ipad to another?' An hour seemed like a happy minimum, so with anxious glances every few seconds, we sat out the hour. And more. 

Until ipad heaven arrived and the process was complete. 

The metaphor doesn't completely transfer to the realm of the spirit, but the transfer of grace from its source in God to this faulty, anxious, reluctant, blocking, but-wishing-to-be-made-new subject will take a lifetime, and will not be complete this side of the dive into eternity. If only it were simple, like the ipad- ha!  

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