Saturday 16 October 2021

A wide mercy

Among the unlikely candidates for guiding me onto the Christian path I would place the 1944 Education Act, with its stipulation that there should be a daily act of worship in each school. This was where I learned my first hymns, still remembered today, and such an important part of the formation of a heart and mind attuned to God. 

It helped of course, that I loved to sing- still do- and that daily assembly at primary and secondary school channelled a love of singing into a proto-love for God. It gave the Spirit stuff to work on to awaken me more fully to the love of God, so that words sung became at last words believed, words experienced. 

All our experience is grist to the mills of the Spirit, to bring us to God. As I listen to people telling me how their story became part of God's story, no two are the same, and many have a part introduced by a phrase such as 'it may seem unlikely but....'. 

The wide mercy of God is able to harvest all our experience, in order to capture us into the love which frees.  


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